Good Mourning is a soul food café located in New Orleans, LA. It is a play on words for folks who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This café offers healing teas to help relieve feelings of anxiety and depression. 

I used charcoal to draw the skull on paper and designed it in Photoshop to make the logo. Ironworks is the typeface I used to mimic the wrought iron balconies known in New Orleans. The logo has the fleur de lys symbol on top the head stone shape so visitors know where to go for mental and spiritual healing.
The charcoal illustrations were scanned into Photoshop to design the menu.
The menu and napkin holder is marble because it is typically used for headstones. I used an image transfer method with mod podge to place the logo on each piece. I printed the image backwards on a laser printer, painted a layer of mod podge on the marble and then removed the paper with warm water. 
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